PSY424: Research Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Fall, 2003: Mondays 7-10pm

Instructor: Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D.
Office hours: 

Required Texts:


Cozby, P.C. (2003). Methods in Behavioral Research. McGraw-Hill.

Additional articles and book chapters will be distributed in class.


Course Description
This course explores methods for examining psychological constructs within and between cultures. In addition to mini-lectures and discussions, students will work with existing datasets. They will also, as a group, undertake their own study examining some aspect of culture, race, or ethnicity—designing the study, collecting and analyzing data, and writing up the results. In addition to a variety of different qualitative and quantitative methodologies, research ethics, critical evaluation of research studies, and report-writing will also be emphasized.


Course Expectations
While class attendance is always important, it is particularly so for this class, which is structured to facilitate "learning by doing." Students are also expected to actively engage in all aspects of the course and follow strictly the college's academic honesty policy. Failure to do so will result in a letter to the department chair and, very likely, a formal petition to the Academic Infractions Board. Students with a disability that might affect their performance in this course are strongly encouraged to discuss this situation with Erin Silva, Coordinator of Disability Services, as well as with me, as soon as possible.


Assignments and Grading:
Here is the point break-down for all the course assignments.  Detailed descriptions of each assignment will be distributed separately.

Article critique                                      30 points
Qualitative research mini-assignment     10 points
Class Research paper/presentationl       30 points
Individual Research Proposal                30 points

Semester grades will be assigned using the following scale:

A+    98 -100 B+    88-89 C+    78-80 D+    68-70 F < 60
A      93-98  B      83-87 C      73-77 D      63-67
A-     90-92 B-     80-82 C-     70-72  D-     60-62