Current Project Descriptions
Jamaican-Korean Study: This study compared
women from two nations, Korea, a country that supports women's dependence,
submissiveness, obedience, and inexpressiveness, and Jamaica, a nation
where women are independent and expressive. The main goal of the
study was to test whether Korean women report higher overall problem scores
and problems associated with anxiety and somatization. The SAS dataset
is sasuser.jamkor. This paper has been submitted for
publication. Abstract.
Direct Observation Study: Under the leadership
of Marieva, undergraduate and graduate assistants observed and rated the
behavior of children in Jamaica and African American children in Michigan.
These data have been analyzed and will be presented at the Kansas conference
in October and submitted to a journal soon after. The SAS data sets
are sasuser.obsjam and sasuser.obsus. Program files can be found
on SAM in C:\Data\DOF.
Michigan Youth Project: This project focuses
on the development of a valid, culturally sensitive instrument to detect
the emotional and behavioral problems, and competencies, of African American
children and adolescents. Four versions of this measure have been developed:
a youth self-report for ages 11-18, a youth self-report for ages 5-10,
a parent report form, and a teacher report form. Currently, we are in the
process of standardizing these instruments on both clinic-referred and
school children from around Michigan. Undergraduate involvement in the
project includes interviewing school and clinic children, data management,
and data entry. Abstract.
Detailed Description. African
American Instrument Development.
Jamaican Child Psychopathology Study: Measures
(CBCL, FACES, BSI) were administered to 700 Jamaican children and adolescents,
and their families. Data collection is still ongoing with a goal of 2,000
subjects. There are two main goals of this study.
The first goal is to standardize the Jamaican version of
the parent, teacher, self report forms of CBCL, while the second
goal is to determine how family and parent psychopathology predict
problems in Jamaican children. Undergraduate involvement in this
project may include data management, data analysis, and data entry as well
as assisting with poster presentations and papers. Detailed
Alexithymia Study: Alexiathymia is "the inability
to express feelings verbally." Data looking at this dysfunction and related
variables has been collected on over 500 Jamaican men and women. Undergraduate
involvement may include data analysis and assisting with posters and papers.
Detailed Description.
Jamaican Competency Study: This project focuses
on examining the competency items of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)
for nonreferred Jamaican children ages 4-18. Valarie and Mikhail are currently
analyzing these data (sasuser.alljam5). Undergraduate
involvement on this project will be minimal but may include literature
reviews and assisting with posters or papers.
Jamaican Attitudes Study:
Using data from focus groups and from Adult Clinics the measures, Jamaican
Adult Self Report and Jamaican Adult Third Party Report
were created. Symptom Checklist - 90 codes were used to compare the
data from the Jamaican Adult Clinics with a similar measure of Adult Psychopathology
used in the United States. For the next part of the project, we
plan to use the new instruments to collect data looking at several different
aspects of mental illness in Jamaicans including behavioral and emotional
problems, help-seeking behavior for psychological services, and attitudes
toward people with psychopathology. Data collection should begin in October
of 1998 in Jamaica. Detailed Description.
Jamaican Iron Study: For this study, longitudinal
data was collected on both iron deficient and non-iron deficient Jamaican
children. Among other things, we are interested if iron deficient children
given iron supplements show improvement in behavior and intellectual functioning.
Other projects currently underway using this data include examining the
factor structures of measures (i.e. Conners Rating Scale, BSI, FACES) in
this Jamaican sample and investigating the relationship between maternal
depression, child aggression, and family environment. Undergraduate involvement
may include data analysis and assistance with poster presentations and
papers. Detailed Description.
Low Birth Weight Study: Longitudinal data is
being collected on 115 very low birthweight Jamaican children, along with
close to 2,000 same-age normal birthweight children. Data includes variables
looking at prenatal maternal health and nutrition and child behavior, aggression,
exposure to violence, IQ, achievement, nutrition, and growth and development.
Valarie will head this project and use these data as part of her dissertation.
Undergraduate involvement may include data management, data analysis, and
literature reviews.
Dominican Republic Study: This study looks
at archival clinic record data of children of African descent from the
Dominican Republic. In the future, this data may be compared to similar
data on children from Jamaica and Michigan. Cosette is currently heading
this project. Detailed Description.
Graduate/Undergraduate Projects: In addition
to the above, both graduate and undergraduate students are working on their
own research. Past graduate research included a study examining the
personality structure of Puerto Rican college students, while undergraduate
projects have included a cross-cultural comparison of Korean and U.S. women
and a study of drug use among African American high school students.
All of the above, as well as several other student projects have been presented
at professional conferences and submitted to psychology journals.