
Geoffrey McKinley
Graduate Student
Contact info:
832 Psychology Building
603 East Daniel Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Email: mckinle2@illinois.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Research interests:
Generally, I am interested in the decision-making process that is involved in study and recall. One question that much of my research seeks to understand is how people make decisions during study, and more specifically, how these decisions impact study behavior and later memory performance. For example, one line of research examines the role of retrieval during study (i.e., reminding) by seeking direct evidence during study (e.g., overt rehearsal), and indirect evidence at test (e.g., memory performance) to gain a comprehensive understanding of the learning process. I am also interested in understanding how aspects of conversation (e.g., common ground) relate to memory, and to what extent conversational role impacts this relationship. My other research interests include recognition memory, bias in forensic judgment and decision-making, eyewitness memory and confidence, and model building.
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