Written Assignment #2: The case-study

Find any article from a professional psychological journal or some other publication on a person suffering from a severe mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, major depression, bi-polar disorder).  For the purposes of this assignment, please do not select a case-study that describes a simple phobia, a relationship problem, or some other less pathological issue.  Using the case study, do the following:

1.  Briefly describe the person's symptoms (about half a page, certainly no more than a full page)

2.  Select three of the following schools of psychotherapy.  For each school:
     a.  First describe how a therapist might explain the etiology (origins) of the person's mental illness.
     b.  Then, discuss how he/she might approach assessing (if appropriate) and treating this person.  Your discussions of assessment and treatment should include diversity issues.  However, for the purposes of this assignment, you need not address informed consent or other ethical issues, though you are certainly welcome to do so if you feel that your case-study requires it.

Schools of psychotherapy

Humanistic  or Gestault
Behavioral or Cognitive
Family Systems 

Be sure to use three schools and be thorough in your descriptions of each school.  Please note that you have a total of 6 options.  However, you can only pick one school from each of the four rows.  Thus, you may not discuss both Humanistic and Gestault approaches.  Similarly, you may not write about both Behavioral and Cognitive therapies.  I realize that we have not yet covered all of the treatment approaches on this list.  Thus, it may be to your advantage to write about the ones covered in class.  On the other hand, these are all “fair game” for the final exam, and I encourage you to pick the ones that you are most interested in.

Although there is no formal length requirement, I have generally found that it usually takes about 6 pages to describe the assessment and therapy in sufficient depth.  On the other end of the continuum, you should be able to say what you need to within 7 pages (that’s already about 130 pages of reading for me, so please be nice!).  The paper should be typed and double-spaced with standard margins. You should have a cover sheet with your name, the course, date, my name, and the title of the paper. You must submit the article with the case study along with your paper (please try to attach them in some way). You must also have a reference section (i.e., bibliography), properly citing the article and any other sources you use (e.g., your textbook). It is expected that you use additional sources, beyond your textbook.