Lansing Community College
Division of Arts and Sciences

Psychology 200: Introduction to Psychology
Spring Semester, 1997

Writing Assignment 2: Due 4/24/97

Please select one of the following choices.

Choice #1:

Find any article from a professional psychological journal or some other publication on a person suffering from a serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder). Using the article case study, do the following:

  1. Briefly describe the person's symptoms (.5 - 1 page)
  2. define three of the following schools of psychology and how each school would explain the etiology (origins) of the person's mental illness (3.5 - 4 pages)
Be sure to use three schools and be thorough in your descriptions of each school. If you would like to substitute a school that is not on the above list (e.g., Humanistic Psychology), please check with me first.

 The paper should be 4-5 pages in length. It must be typed and double-spaced with standard margins. You should have a cover sheet with your name, the course, date, my name, and the title of the paper. You must photocopy the article and attach it to the paper. You must also have a reference section (i.e., bibliography), properly citing the article and any other sources you use (e.g., your textbook). It is expected that you use additional sources, beyond your textbook.

Choice #2:

 Many psychological questions are still controversial. Pick a question from the list below and choose a position (i.e., "yes" or "no"). Then present an argument by supporting your position with the current psychological literature.

  1. Intelligence:
  2. Psychopathology and therapy:
  3. Social issues:
If you would like to write about a controversial question that is not on the list, please check with me first to make sure that it is appropriate for this assignment.

 The paper should be 4-5 pages in length. It must be typed and double-spaced with standard margins. You should have a cover sheet with your name, the course, date, my name, and the title of the paper. You must also have a reference section (i.e., bibliography), properly citing all of the sources you use. You are expected to use sources other than the text.

This assignment is worth 75 points and will be evaluated according to the criteria below. Please note that this information is identical to that in your syllabus and is only included here for your convenience.

Your work should reflect a great deal of thought and organization. It should demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the topic, beyond that provided by the textbook.

Any assignment that is not handed in on the due date will be marked down 25% of the allotted points for each class period that the assignment is outstanding. Late means anytime past the end of the class period that the assignment is due. Thus, a paper handed in two class periods after it is due is marked down 50%. I will not accept papers after the second class period following the due date. All papers not handed in by that time will receive zero points.

 I encourage you to submit drafts of your papers to me, prior to the due date. I will review your draft and return it to you with comments and suggestions. This often insures a good grade when the assignment is due.