Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D.


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Education  |  Publications  |  Presentations  |  Teaching Experience  |  Clinical Experience  | Professional Activities


                            Department of Psychology
                            University of Illinois
                            Urbana-Champaign, IL 61820
                            Phone: (217) 722-3471
Birth place: Kiev, Ukraine
Citizenship: United States 
email:   lyubansk@illinois.edu
web:    http://www.psych.uiuc.edu/~lyubansk


Professional History

1/05 - present Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8/00 - 5/04 Assistant Professor, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
8/99 - 8/00 Doctoral Intern: MSU Counseling Center, East Lansing, MI
6/97 - 12/98 Instructor, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
8/96 - 5/97 Instructor, Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI


Additional Experience

11/09 - present

Blogger, Psychology Today: | Between The Lines | (over half million hits)

11/08 - present Freelance writer: Huffington Post, Truthout, Tikkun, Champaign News-Gazette
(articles available at http://internal.psychology.illinois.edu/~lyubansk/race/essays.htm)

11/08 - 1/13

Managing Editor and contributing writer OpEdNews. Author page: http://www.opednews.com/author/author18834.html



Ph.D., 2000  Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Major:          Clinical Psychology (Child/Family specialization) 
Dissertation:  A Tale of Two Cultures: Acculturation Style, Social Support, 
                        and Mental Health in Older Adult Immigrants From the Former USSR 
Clinical Intern, 1999-2000  Michigan State University Counseling Center, East Lansing, MI
M.A., 1996 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Major:         Clinical Psychology (Child/Family specialization)
B.A., 1992 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Majors:         Psychology and Communication




       Mustakova-Possardt, E., Lyubansky, M., Basseches, M. & Oxenberg, J. (2014). Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era . New York: Springer Science + Business Media, LCC.

       Ben-Rafael, E., Lyubansky, M., Glockner, O., Harris, P., Israel, Y., Jasper, W., & Schoeps, J. (2006). Building a diaspora: Russian Jews in Israel, Germany, and the USA. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers.


Book Chapters:

      Lyubansky, M. & Shpungin, E. (in press). The Unacknowledged Power of Power Dynamics in Restorative Justice. In T. Gavrielides (Ed.). The Psychology of Restorative Justice. TBC Publications.

      Davis, F.E., Lyubansky, M., & Schiff, M. (in press). Restoring Racial Justice. In R. Scott & S. Kosslyn (Eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

      Murray, H., Lyubansky, M., & Miller, K. (2014). Towards a Psychology of Nonviolence. In E. Mustakova-Possardt, M. Lyubansky, M. Basseches, & J. Oxenberg (Ed.). Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. New York: Springer Science + Business Media, LCC.

      Lyubansky, M. & Hunter, C. (2014). Towards Racial Justice. In E. Mustakova-Possardt, M. Lyubansky, M. Basseches, & J. Oxenberg (Ed.). Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. New York: Springer Science + Business Media, LCC.

       Lyubansky, M. (2013). Seven Roads to Justice for Superheroes and Humans. In R. Rosenberg (Ed.). Our Superheroes, Ourselves. New York: Oxford University Press.

       Lyubansky, M. & Harris, P. (2012). Orthodox Rabbis, Reform Synagogues, and Christmas Trees: Piecing Together the Identity of Russian-Speaking Jews in the United States. In O. Glockner & J. Schoeps (Eds.). Sociology of Judaism.

       Lyubansky, M. & Shpungin, E. (2011). The Cost of Justice. In R. Rosenberg and Shannon O’Neil (Eds.). The Psychology of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books.

       Lyubansky, M. (2011). The Gestalt of Twilight.  In L. Wilson (Ed.). The Psychology of Twilight. Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books.

       Lyubansky, M. (2011). Stereotypes. In C.D. McIlwain and S.M. Caliendo (Eds.). The Routledge Companion to Race and Ethnicity. London: Taylor&Francis/Routledge.

       Lyubansky, M. (2011). Whiteness. In C.D. McIlwain and S.M. Caliendo (Eds.). The Routledge Companion to Race and Ethnicity. London: Taylor&Francis/Routledge.

       Eidelson, R. & Lyubansky, M. (2010). Beliefs in Black and White: How race influences Americans' perceptions of themselves, their racial group, and their national group.  In T.S. Philpot and I. K. White (Eds.). African-American Political Psychology: Identity, Opinion, and Action in the Post-Civil Rights Era. New York: Palgrave McMillan Press.

       Lyubansky, M. (2010).  Are the fangs real? Vampires as racial metaphor in Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series.  In L. Wilson (Ed.). Ardeur:  14 Writers on the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series. Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books.

       Lyubansky, M. (2008). Ordinary wizards: The psychology of evil in the Harry Potter universe. In S. Goetz (Ed.). Terminus: Collected Papers on Harry Potter, 7-11 August 2008.  Narrate Conferences, Inc.

       Lyubansky, M. (2008). “A Black boy even taller than Ron”: Racial dynamics in Harry Potter.  In S. Goetz (Ed.). Terminus: Collected Papers on Harry Potter, 7-11 August 2008.  Narrate Conferences, Inc.

       Lyubansky, M. (2008).  How group prejudice forms and other race-related lessons from the Xavier Institute.  In R. Rosenberg (Ed.). The psychology of superheroes: An unauthorized exploration. Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books. 

       Lyubansky, M. & Shpungin, E. (2007). Playing House. In L. Wilson (Ed.). House unauthorized: Vasculitis, clinic duty, and bad bedside manner . Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books.

       Lyubansky, M. (2007).  Buffy’s Search for Meaning.  In J. Davidson (Ed.). The psychology of Joss Whedon: An unauthorized exploration. Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books.

       Lyubansky, M. (2007). Harry Potter and the word that shall not be named. In N. Mulholland (Ed.). The psychology of Harry Potter: An unauthorized examination of the boy who lived. Dallas, TX: Ben Bella Books.

       Lyubansky, M. (2007). A few laps around the non-tenure track. In R. Eidelson, J. Laske, & L. Cherfas (Eds.). Peacemaker 101: Careers confronting conflict. Philadelphia, PA: Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict.

       Lambert, M.C., Francois-Bellas, V., Lewis, K.M, Puig, M., Lyubansky, M., Rowan, G.T., & Lancaster, K.E. (2001) Behavior and emotional problems of clinic-referred Black youth. In C.C. Newman, C.J. Liberton, K. Kutash, & R.M. Friedman (Eds.). A system of care for children's mental health: Expanding the research base (pp. 231-234). Tampa, FL: Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health, Department of Child and Family Studies, University of South Florida.


Academic Papers (peer reviewed):

       Lyubansky, M., Harris, P., Baker, W., Lippard, C. (2013). “One Day on the Red Hills of Georgia”: The Effects of Immigration Status on Latino Migrants’ Experience of Discrimination, Utilization of Public Services, and Attitudes Toward Acculturation. Norteamérica, Revista Académica del CISAN-UNAM Año 8, número especial.

       Lyubansky, M. (2013). Restorative Justice for Trayvon Martin. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 5(1), 59-78.

       Lyubansky, M. & Barter, D. (2011). Restorative Approaches to Racial Conflict. Peace Review, 23, 37-44.     

       Shpungin, E. & Lyubansky, M. (2006). Navigating social class roles in community research. American Journal of Community Psychology, 37, 227-235.

       Lyubansky, M. & Eidelson, R. (2005). Revisiting Du Bois: The relationship between African American double consciousness and beliefs about racial and national group experiences. Journal of Black Psychology, 31, 3-26.

       Lambert, M.C., Rowan, G.T., Lyubansky, M., & Russ, C.M. (2002).  Do Problems of Clinic-Referred African-American Children Overlap with the Child Behavior Checklist?  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 11(3), 271-285.

       Lambert, M.C., Puig, M., Lyubansky, M., Rowan, G., Hill, M., Milburn, B., & Hannah, S.D.  (2001).  Child behavioral and emotional problems in Jamaican classrooms: A multimethod study using direct observations and teacher reports for ages 6-11. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 25, 1-18.

       Lambert, M.C., Puig, M., Lyubansky, M., Rowan, G.T., & Winfrey, T. (2001).  Adult perspectives on behavior and emotional problems in African American childrenJournal of Black Psychology, 27, 64-85.

       Puig, M., Lambert, M.C., Rowan, G.T., Winfrey, T., Lyubansky, M., Hannah, S.D., & Hill, M.F. (1999).  Behavioral and emotional problems among Jamaican and African American children, ages 6 to 11: Teacher reports versus direct observations Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 7, 240-250.

       Lambert, M.C., Samms-Vaughan, M.E., Lyubansky, M., Rose, D., Hannah, S.D., Grandison, T., Holness, A., Podolski, C.L., Rowan, G.T., & Durst, J. (1999). Emotions and psychopathology West Indian Medical Journal, 48, 203-207.

       Lambert, M.C., Samms-Vaughan, M.E., Lyubansky, M., Podolski, C.L., Hannah, S.D., &  McCaslin, S.E., & Rowan, G.T. (1999).  Behavior and emotional problems of clinic-referred children of the African diaspora: A cross-national study of African American and Jamaican children ages 4 to 18Journal of Black Psychology, 25, 504-523.

       Lambert, M.C., & Lyubansky, M. (1999).  Behavior and emotional problems among Jamaican children and adolescents: An epidemiological survey of parent, teacher, and self reports for ages 6-18 yearsInternational Journal of Intercultural Relations, 23, 727-751.

       Lambert, M.C., Lee, J.E., Samms-Vaughan, M.E., Hannah, S.D., Rowan, G.T., Lyubansky, M., Grandison, T., & Holness, A.  (1998). Identification of emotions and emotional confusion in Jamaican men vs women: Do they predict severity and types of psychopathology?  West Indian Medical Journal, 47, (suppl. 2), 25.

       Lambert, M.C., Lee, J.E., Samms Vaughan, M.E., Podolski, C., Rowan, G. T., Lyubansky, M., Grandison, T., & Holness, A. (1998).  Self report ratings of psychopathology in Korean and Jamaican women.  West Indian Medical Journal, 47(suppl. 2), 25.

       Lambert, M.C., Lyubansky, M., & Achenbach, T.M. (1998).  Behavior and emotional problems among adolescents of Jamaica and the United States: Parent, teacher, and self reports for ages 12-18.  Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 6, 180-187. (abstract).

Trade and Magazine Pubs (see "additional experience" section for blog/online articles)

       Lyubansky, M. (2012). How Super Is Superhero Justice? Web-only article, Tikkun Magazine special issue on Restorative Justice, 27(1).

       Lyubansky, M. (2008).  Out of the ashes: A new German Jewry? Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture, Zeek Media Inc.

       Hunter, C. & Lyubansky, M. (summer, 2006). Immigration and the journey: Two narratives on how immigration shapes identity. Section on Racial and Ethnic Diversity Newsletter (APA Division 17).

       Lyubansky, M. & Shpungin, E. (1998). Tools of the trade: An alternative approach to training culturally competent clinicians. International Psychology Reporter, (APA Division 52 Newsletter), 2, 9-10.


In Preparation:

       Lyubansky, M. (in preparation). Towards a racially-conscious, culturally-competent restorative justice. Status: Writing in progress.

       Lyubansky, M., Ashmon, N., Warkentin, T., & Willoughby, A. (in preparation). Conflicting Views on Closed-System Conflict: An Analysis of the Role of Five Dangerous Belief Domains in a Prison Setting. Status: Writing in progress


Professional Meetings:

      Lyubansky, M. (2014, June). Towards a Racially-Conscious, Culturally-Competent Restorative Justice. Presented at 2nd International Symposium on Restorative Justice “Race and Power” Skopelos, Greece.

      Arvold, N., Olson, B., Clute, S., Lyubansky, M., & Pryshlyak, O. (2012, July). The U.S. Prison System and Psychologists: Revolutionary Restructuring or Evolutionary Transformation? Presented at Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsysR) annual conference: Psychology and the Occupy Movement: Synergies for Social Changes, Washington DC.

      Lyubansky, M., Duchscherer, D. & Clute, S. (2011, July).  The Restorative Circle: An Alternativeto Conventional Justice and Conflict Resolution. Presented at Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsysR) annual conference: Transforming a world in crisis, Boston, MA.

      Lyubansky, M., Kall, R., Biren, C., & Malley-Morrison, K. (2011, July). Blogging and Social Media-ing for Peace and Justice. Plenary session presented at Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsysR) annual conference: Transforming a world in crisis, Boston, MA.

      Lyubansky, M. (2010, July). The Restorative Circle: An Alternative to Traditional Justice and Conflict Resolution. Workshop presented at Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsysR) annual conference: Toward a more socially responsible psychology, Boston, MA.

      Lippard, C., Lyubansky, M., Baker, W., & Harris, P. (2007, October).  Its Not Just Black and White: Latino Acculturation in Georgia.  Paper presented at the Consortium for Latino Immigration Studies’ Conference on Latino immigration to New Settlement Areas, University of South Caroline, Columbia, SC.

      Lyubansky, M., Glockner, O., & Harris, P. (2006, June). Jews in Germany: 60 Years after the Holocaust. Paper presented at the 4th biennial Solomon Asch Center Summer Institute Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

       Harris, P., & Lyubansky, M. (2005, May). Russian Speaking Jewish Immigrants in the United States: Perspectives on Assimilation and Jewish Cultural Identity. Paper delivered at the international conference: 350 Years of American Jewry, 1654-2004: Transcending the European Experience? Akakemie fuer Politische Bildung, Tutzing, Germany.

       Ben-Rafael, E., Gloeckner, O., Harris, P., Jasper, W., & Lyubansky, M. (2004, October). A Transnational Diaspora in the Making? The Case of Russian Speaking Jews in Three Countries - Israel, Germany and the United States. Symposium sponsored by The Middle East Center for Peace, Culture and Development and The Jewish Studies Program at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

       Lyubansky, M. & Kohlman, M. (2002, August).  Racing ahead in class: A pilot study on students' attitude change in race-related courses.   Paper presented at the 2nd biennial Solomon Asch Center Summer Institute Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

       Lyubansky, M., Friedman, A., Ginges, J., & Vassiliadou, M. (2002, August). Seeds of Change? A preliminary report on the effectiveness of conflict resolution workshops in Israel and Cyprus. Paper presented at the 2nd biennial Solomon Asch Center Summer Institute Conference, Philadelphia.

       Lambert, M.C., Russ C. M., Samms-Vaughan, M.E., Achenbach, T.M., Bellas, V.F., & Lyubansky, M. (2001, April). An International Survey of Behavior and Emotional Problems Among Clinic and Nonclinic Children of the African Diaspora: Parent and Teacher Reports for African American and Jamaican Children ages 6 to 11.  Meeting of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Oxford, MS.

       Lambert, M.C., Lyubansky, M., Rowan, G.T., Bellas, V.F., Lancaster, K.E., & Puig, M. (2000, April). Behavior and emotional problems of clinic-referred Black youth. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Research Conference of the Florida Mental Health Institute, Tampa, FL.

       Lyubansky, M. & Shpungin, E. (1999, August).  Old values in a new land: Acculturation in elderly Russian immigrants.  Poster session presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) International Conference on Immigrants and Immigration.  Toronto, Canada.

        Puig, M., Lambert, M.C., Markle, F., Francois-Bellas, V., Lee, J., Carwell, J., Hannah, S., & Lyubansky, M.  (1998, October).  Behavioral and emotional problems among Jamaican and African American children, ages 6 to 11:  Teacher reports versus direct observations.  Poster session presented at the Kansas Conference in Clinical Child Psychology: Translating Research into Practice,  Lawrence, Kansas.

        Lambert, M.C. , Lee, J.E., Samms-Vaughan, M.E., Lyubansky, M., Podolski, C., Rowan. G.T,  Crandison, T., & Holness, A. (1998, April).  Self-report ratings of psychopathology in Korean and Jamaican women. Paper presented at the Caribbean Medical Research Council Conference. Ocho Rios, Jamaica WI.

        Lambert, M.C., Samms-Vaughan, M.E., Lyubansky, M., Rose, D., Hannah, S.D.,  Rowan, G.T., Grandison, T. & Holness, A. (1998, April).  Identification of emotions and emotional confusion in Jamaican men versus Jamaican women: Do they predict severity and types of psychopathology? Paper presented at the Caribbean Medical Research Council Conference. Ocho Rios, Jamaica WI.

        Lambert, M.C., Samms-Vaughan, M.E.,  Hannah, S.D., Podolski, C.L., McCaslin, S.E.,  Rowan, G.T., & Lyubansky, M. (1998, April). Behavior and emotional problems of clinic-referred children of the African diaspora: A cross-national study of Jamaican and African-American children ages 4 to 18. Poster presented at the Caribbean Medical Research Council Conference. Ocho Rios, Jamaica WI.

        McCaslin, S.E., Lambert, M.C., Hannah, S.D., Lyubansky, M., & Rowan, G.T. (1997, November). Behavior and emotional problems of clinic-referred children of African descent: A cross-national study of African-American and Jamaican children ages 4-18.  Poster session presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.  Miami.

        Lambert, M.C., Rowan, G.T., Puig, M., & Lyubansky, M. (1997, August).  Adult attitudes toward problem behavior in African American children. Paper presented at the 105th convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

        Lambert, M.C., Lee, J.E., Samms-Vaughan, M., Podolski, C., Lyubansky, M., Rowan, G.T., Holness, A., & Grandison, T. (1997, July). Psychopathology in Jamaican and Korean women. Poster session presented at the XXVI Interamerican Congress of Psychology. Sao-Paulo, Brazil.

        Lambert, M.C., Hannah, S.D., Samms-Vaughan, M., Lyubansky, M., Rowan, G.T., Grandison, T., & Holness, A. (1997, July). Identification of and confusion regarding emotions in Jamaican men versus women: Do they predict  psychopathology? Poster session presented at the XXVI Interamerican Congress of Psychology. Sao-Paulo, Brazil

        Lambert, M.C., Hannah, S.D, Samms-Vaughan, M. & Lyubansky, M. (1997, May). Violence, aggression and child abuse: A survey of Jamaican adults and a comparison of clinic referred Jamaican and African American children. Invited presentation at the National Child Month Conference on Children and Violence.  Kingston, Jamaica.

        Lyubansky, M., Lambert, M.C., Hohn, G.E., Knight, F.H., & Achenbach, T.M. (1996, May). Effects of culture and acculturation on child behavioral and emotional problems: A comparison of Jamaican immigrants with native U.S. and native Jamaican children. Paper presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago.

        Lambert, M.C., Knight, F.H., & Lyubansky, M. (1995, July). Behavior problems of Jamaican children and adolescents ages 6-18 and a comparison of behavior and emotional problems of Jamaican and U.S. adolescents ages 11-18.  In M.C. Lambert (Chair). Symposium conducted at the XXV Interamerican Congress of Psychology. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

        Lyubansky, M., Lambert, M.C., McCaslin, S.E., & Knight, F.H. (1995, July). Agreement among parents, teachers, and child reporting on behavior and emotional problems in a Jamaican adolescent sample. Poster session presented at the XXV Interamerican Congress of Psychology. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Workshops/Trainings (incomplete list):

Restorative Justice in Schools (2015, January). A 2-hour workshop for 50 students in the Urbana Middle School. Urbana, IL (with Elaine Shpungin).

Restorative Circles: Principles and Facilitation (2014, September and October). A workshop series for the Urbana School District social workers and psychologists. Urbana, IL (with Elaine Shpungin).

Restorative Circles Introduction (2014, July). Two-part workshop series for students enrolled in the UIUC Career Empowerment Program. Urbana, IL. (with Elaine Shpungin).

Restorative Circles: A Different Way Through Conflict (2014, July). A two-part workshop series for the Cebrin Goodwin Teen Institute. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL. (with Elaine Shpungin)

A Taste of Restorative Circles. (2014, April). A professional development session for social workers and counselors in Urbana School District. Urbana, IL (with Elaine Shpungin).

Intro to Restorative Circles. (2014, February). A community learning event open to the public. Urbana, IL (with Elaine Shpungin).

Needs Based Conflict Approach and Restorative Circles Facilitation Basics (2013, August and September). Workshop series for Allen Hall Resident Advisors, UIUC (with Elaine Shpungin).

Restorative Circles Introduction (2013, July). Two-part workshop series for students enrolled in the UIUC Career Empowerment Program. Urbana, IL. (with Elaine Shpungin).

Facilitating Restorative Circles. (2012, July). A workshop for the Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. Rutledge, MO (with Elaine Shpungin).

Restorative Circles with Children and Families. (2012, July). A workshop for the Possibility Alliance Ecovillage, La Plata, MO (with Elaine Shpungin).

Restorative Circles. (2011, October). A workshop for the Libertarian Party of Illinois 2011 Convention. Bloomington, IL.

Restorative Circles. (2011, July). A 13-day youth restorative justice camp, ACCESS Initiative. Champaign, IL.

Restorative Circles Introduction (2011, July). Two-part workshop series for students enrolled in the UIUC Career Empowerment Program. Urbana, IL. (with Elaine Shpungin).

Talking across differences.  (2011, January; 2009, August, 2008, August).  A session for The Graduate Academy for College Teaching. Champaign, IL.

Restorative Circles (December, 2010). A workshop for Planners Network and the Student Planning Organization. Champaign, IL

Race and racism in America: (February, 2008).  A four-day special class for high school students during University High School’s Agora Days curriculum.  Champaign, IL. (with Natasha Watkins).

Diversity and cultural competence: (August, 2007).  A two-day workshop on diversity and cultural competence for Champaign County mental health agency directors, board members, and other decision-makers.  Urbana, IL. (with Carla Hunter).


Invited Talks/Panels:

When values collide: Living restoratively in a punitive society. (2014, October). Friday Forum series. Champaign, IL.

        A Tale of Two Cities: The Gift of Conflict. (2012, November). Discourses from the Academy: The Colloquium Series (sponsored by the departments of psychology, criminology, and philosophy). Northern Michigan University. Marquette, MI.

A Tale of Two Cities. (October, 2011). Break-out session for the Racial Justice Summit. Madison, WI.

A Restorative Approach to Interpersonal Racial Conflict. (October, 2011). Break-out session for the Racial Justice Summit. Madison, WI.

Hot Topics Evening Dialogue: Exploring Restorative Justice (November, 2010) Panel Discussion. Co-sponsored by Women’s Resource Center and Campus YWCA Champaign, IL.

Minority Enrollment: What does it mean to you? (December, 2007).  Panel presentation sponsored by the Illinois Student Senate Committee on Cultural and Minority Student Affairs. Champaign, IL.       

Multicultural Panel (October, 2007).  All-school assembly in celebration of United Nations Day.  University High School.  Champaign, IL

The Russian-Jewish Diaspora. (June, 2007).  Keynote address: Building Bridges: The Russian Speaking Jewish Community and its Media.  The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York’s CAUSE-NY, a division of The Commission on Intergroup Relations and Community Concerns.  New York, NY.

Building a diaspora: Russian Jews in Israel, Germany, and the USA (February, 2007).  Panel presentation at the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation, New York, NY.   

Jews in Germany: 60 Years after the Holocaust (November, 2006).  Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation (CUJF).  Champaign, IL.

Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. Presents “Do The Right Thing”  (October, 2006).  Discussion facilitator.  Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.  Champaign, IL.

Race vs class: A panel discussion of inequities of American society (April, 2006). Alpha Phi Alpha, Tau Chapter, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Champaign, IL.

The trouble with multiculturalism: Why everyone on the political spectrum has cause to reject the movement. (September, 2005). Together Encouraging the Appreciation of Multiculturalism (TEAM), University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Champaign, IL.

Beliefs in black and white: How Black and White Americans think about their racial and national groups. (September, 2003). Pursuing Scientific Interests (PSI), Wooster College. Wooster, OH.

Tolerance.  (November, 2002).  Panel member.  Independent Pictures/Ohio Independent Film Festival.  Cleveland, OH

Peace activities in the Middle East.  (October, 2001).  Adult Forum at First Congregational UCC on Enthnopolitical Conflict.  Mount Vernon, OH.

Normal or crazy? The social psychology of terrorist groups. (September, 2001).  Campus symposium, Kenyon College. Gambier, OH.

The psychology of acculturation: How immigrants adjust to a new society.  (August, 2001).  Graduate seminar on migration, University of Pennsylvania.  Philadelphia, PA


Media Appearances:

Is Nonviolence Effective? Guest on “The Joy Cardin Show” (host Joy Cardin). Wisconsin Public Radio (April 4, 2014).  http://www.wpr.org/shows/nonviolence-effective

Restorative Justice on the Rise. Guest on Restorative Justice Telecouncil Series (host Molly Rowan Leach) (September 13, 2012). http://dopeace.us/events/restorative-justice-telecouncil-series-prof-mikhail-lyubansky-ph-

Using Restorative Practices in Your Life. Guest (with Elaine Shpungin, Ph.D.) on Unitive Justice with Sylvia Clute (Host, Sylvia Clute, J.D.) (April 8, 2012). http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mahloymedia/2012/04/01/unitive-justice-with-sylvia-clute

Restorative Circles.  Guest on “Prairieland Mediation” (host Joy George), WEFT/90.1FM  radio on WEFT (November 6, 2011).

Restorative Justice with Mikhail Lyubansky, Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois. Guest on "Keepin' the Faith” (host Don Nolen), WILL-AM radio show (October 17, 2010). http://will.illinois.edu/keepinthefaith/show/2010/10/

Varieties of Evil, Varieties of Justice. Guest on “Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show” (host Rob Kall), WNJC/AM 1360 (April 21, 2010). http://www.opednews.com/Podcast/Mikhail-Lyubansky-Varietie-by-Rob-Kall-100421-415.html

“What You Hear, Kemo Sabe?”: Does Avatar Merely Revive Old Movie Stereotypes of the “White Savior”? Guest on “Nonfiction” (Host Harry Allen), WBAI-NY / 99.5 FM radio show (January, 29, 2010). http://harryallen.info/?p=6713



Teaching Experience

1/05 - present
Lecturer: Dept of Psychology. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
G = Graduate course; UG = Undergraduate course
  • Intervention & Assessment: Restorative Circles (2011-present) 
  • Psychology of Race and Ethnicity (Fall: 2005-present) UG
  • Principles and Methods of Teaching Psychology (includes supervision of 20 sections of Abnormal Psychology/year: (2005-present) G
  • Theories of Psychotherapy (Spring: 2006-present) UG
  • Behavioral Science, School of Medicine (co-instructor, Spring: 2010-2011) G
  • Abnormal Psychology (Spring: 2005, 2009) UG
8/00 - 5/04
Assistant Professor: Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 
6/97 - 12/98 Instructor:  Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
8/96 - 5/97  Instructor: Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI 



Principal Investigator, ACCESS Initiative Restorative Circles. Champaign County Community Mental Health Board (CCMHB), ACCESS Initiative. Total Funds: $26,212. Funded, 2013-2014.

Principal Investigator, ACCESS Initiative Restorative Circles. Champaign County Community Mental Health Board (CCMHB), ACCESS Initiative. Total Funds: $36,851. Funded, 2012-2013.

Principal Investigator (with Elaine Shpungin), ACCESS Initiative Restorative Circles. Champaign County Community Mental Health Board (CCMHB), ACCESS Initiative. Total Funds: $36,851. Funded, 2011-2012.                                                 

Principle Investigator, Seeds for change? An evaluative study of conflict resolution groups in Israel and Cyprus. (Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict. Total Funds: $11,560. Funded, 2001.

Co-PI: Psychology Internet Research Lab, joint project with Denison University. Mellon Foundation. Total Funds: $9900. Funded, 2001.



           Psi Chi Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2010-2011.

           Summer Fellow, Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2001.  


Clinical Experience

8/99 - 8/00 Doctoral Intern: MSU Counseling Center, East Lansing, MI 
Supervisors: Harry Piersma, Ph.D., Judy Ferris, Ph.D. Joan Pfaller, Ph.D., Decolius Johnson, Ph.D.   Total Hours: 2000 
9/98 - 5/99 Clinician: MSU Counseling Center, East Lansing, MI 
9/97 - 5/98 Clinician: MSU Psychological Clinic, East Lansing, MI 
6/97 - 7/97 Clinician: University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica 
1/97 - 5/97 On-Call Therapist: Rivendell Psychiatric Hospital, St. Johns, MI 
1/95 - 5/96  Clinician: Alta Care of Michigan, East Lansing, MI 
5/94-12/94 Clinician: MSU Psychological Clinic, East Lansing, MI 





Professional Activities


Ad Hoc Reviewer

American Journal of Community Psychology
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
International Journal of Juman Rights in Health Care
International Migration Review
Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology
Leisure Sciences

Textbook Consultant Rosenberg & Kosslyn's Abnormal Psychology, Worth Publishers

National Committees

Conference Planning Committee, National Association of Community and Restorative Justice,
Steering Committee, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, 2010-2014
Secretary, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, 2010-2013
Conference Planning Committee, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, 2010, 2011, 2012

University Committees

Planning Committee, Campus Conversations on Diversity, 2015

Human Subjects Committee, 2006-2009
Judicial Board, 2002-2004
Pre-professional advisor for clinical psychology and social work, 2000-2004
Webmaster, Department of Psychology, 2000-2004
Dance prize committee 2002-2004
Multicultural Affairs Advisory Board, 2000-2001

Community Organizing

       Co-organizer, moderator, Do The Right Thing, with Community Conversation (September, 2014). Champaign, IL.
Co-organizer, Walking Towards Community: A Restorative Approach (May, 2013). Washington DC.
Co-organizer, A Community Response to Conflict and Injustice (October, 2011). Five day restorative justice learning event featuring Dominic Barter that attracted over 100 learners from all over the country. Urbana, IL.


Last updated: February, 2015

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