What Do We Study?

We, at the Emotion & Behavior Lab, are interested in applying affective science technologies to understanding externalizing disorders, emotional deficits or excesses, and dysregulated traits in adults and adolescents. Syndromes of interest include psychopathy, aggression, criminality, personality disorders (e.g., borderline, antisocial, and narcissistic), impulsive suicide, and substance use. Our main goal is to identify risk factors for these problems, including understanding how genes, stress/adversity, hormones, personality traits, and brain activity contribute to their development.

How Do We Study It?

We conduct studies that provide information on biological and psychosocial risk for externalizing problems, disinhibition, and dysregulated traits and examine the role of emotional and cognitive processes on antisocial and aggressive tendencies. Lab members use a variety of experimental methods (diagnostic assessments, laboratory studies) and measures (genes, hormones, behavior, brain activity, etc.) to study why individuals have problems controlling their emotions and behavior. Lab members are also trained to administer and/or conduct ratings on the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) and the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL), as well as other assessments instruments (e.g., Timeline Follow-Back, Personality Disorders Interview).

Contact Us!

Emotion & Behavior Laboratory
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Psychology Building and Psychological Services Center
603 East Daniel Street
Champaign, Illinois 61820

Lab Phone Number: 217-333-7374; 217-333-0393

Dr. Edelyn Verona, Ph.D.
Phone: 217-265-6708
Email: everona@illinois.edu