Here you will find working versions of our models as they come online, as well as many snippets of source code for newer models that may not be entirely operational just yet.
LISA (2003 version)
An implementation of Hummel & Holyoak's (2003) LISA, written in Python by John Hummel, is available here.
Version 1.00, last updated 10/18/11; fully functional version of Hummel & Holyoak (2003) (and then some); documentation included.
LISA Vers. Ex(planation) 2.01
The most recent implementation of LISA, written in Python by John Hummel, is available here.
Version Ex2.01, last updated 4/14/15; better interface and much more functionality than the 2003 version.
This version is still perpetually in development so it may have some bugs and there is no documentation.
Most or all of the old documentation still applies; poke around in the simulation (.sym) files to get an idea of the new options.
Like the 2003 version, this version is still dependent on (the now deprecated) PyGame, so be sure you have
PyGame installed and a PyGame-friendly version of Python (the vers. 2.xx series -- Not the 3.xx series -- and run in 32-bit mode).