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Undergraduate Assistants | Prospective Grad Students

Undergraduate Assistants: PSYC 290 opportunities
We look for responsible, conscientious, and motivated undergraduate students to join our lab as research assistants for PSYC 290 credit(s). Students need to have at least a 2-semester commitment and have a strong interest in children's social and emotional development. Juniors and Sophomores are encouraged to apply. Students should have taken (or are currently taking) PSYC 216 Child Development. Duties include coding observational data, transcribing narratives and interviews, collecting research data, and entering data. Positions are limited so apply early! If you are interested, please fill out and return an application available in Room 361 of Psychology Building. Please contact Stevie Schein (schein@illinois.edu) or Maria Wong (mswong2@illinois.edu) or if you have questions.

Prospective Graduate Students
The Developmental Division of the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign is a prestigious graduate program specializing in child cognitive and linguistic, and emotional, personality, and social development of children. The application for enrolling in the fall semester is usually due in January of the preceding year. You will find some useful information about admission process and requirements here.






©2008 Early Emotion Lab
Department of Psychology, University of Illinois
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences